
Magformers™ Magnetic Building Sets

【Magformers】美國RAINBOW磁性建構片40PCS ~ 空間概念實體演練!
5歲 到100歲都可以挑戰的頭腦創意體操!

由平面的幾何圖樣變化出各種的立體造型!清楚建立「幾何觀念」、「結構組成」以及 「立體空間概念」~


美國Oregon Rainbow Products的專業設計,產品行銷全球廣受好評,磁性建構片為最新設計,台灣與歐美同步銷售。利用兩種形狀(正方形和三角形)的磁片可以創造多種3D 變化造型,感受磁力的無窮變化,磁鐵可任意轉動,不受正負極限制。探索Magformer--讓您有無限的組合方式,啟發孩子小腦袋中的無限創意!

<< 商品內容 >>

20片正方形磁性建構片、20片三角形磁性建構片、一 本彩色教學手冊 / 彩盒裝。

磁鐵永不消磁,磁性強,結構後不易鬆脫,操作非常容易,不用連桿,不須技巧,以磁鐵為連結重心可以作成球體、錐體、正方體,以基本圖型再轉變成 各種造型,基礎建構觀念導引到形體變化,變化無窮,可以發揮想像力、創造力,從遊戲中加強、培養數理觀念及空間感。
商 品圖片僅供參考,商品依實際供貨樣式為準。

• 產品設計:美國Oregon Rainbow Products
• 適合年齡:5歲以上
• 尺寸:22 x 23 x 5 公分
• 數量:12片
• 材質:塑膠

Product Description

U.S. RAINBOW magnetic construction pieces are simple, do not required to be linked, do not require skills to cope with geometric graphics magnet, connecting the center of gravity, first made into the basic graphics plane and then transferred into a variety of three-dimensional modeling, basic guide to building the concept of body type changes, diverse and can play imagination, creativity and learning through games of mathematical concepts and cultivate a positive conception of space Oh! With RAINBOW magnetic construction pieces, your baby will be the next star of a "little architect"!

5-year-old to 100 years old can challenge the minds of creative gymnastics!
◆ Construction Group is not positive and negative limit fight
◆ magnetic strong magnets never degaussing
◆ feel the magnetic and geometric shape of the endless changes!
◆ fostering children's mathematical concepts and sense of space

◤ Smart Mom and Dad to the baby smart choice! ◢

United States Oregon Rainbow Products of professional design,
Markets its products worldwide acclaimed, magnetic construction pieces of the latest design.

The use of two kinds of shape (square and triangle) of the disk can create changes in a variety of 3D modeling,
Feel the magnetic force of the endless changes in magnet free to rotate without being negative constraints.
Explore Magformers - allows you to have unlimited combination of ways
Melon head with small children, inspired by the creativity!

Product Specifications
Brand: United States Oregon Rainbow Products

Suitable age: 5 years old

Main material: plastic, magnet

Package Size: about 28.8 x 24 x 5 cm

From two-dimensional geometric pattern changes in all kinds of three-dimensional modeling! Entities of the RAINBOW magnetic construction pieces, allowing children to clearly establish a "geometric concepts", "composition" and "three-dimensional concept" ~

Cum 【Magformers U.S. RAINBOW magnetic building pieces 40PCS big hot, the United States Oregon Rainbow Products Company re-launched the "pentagonal building magnetic film", a group of 12 films, with the square and triangular pieces of magnetic construction with the use of, change more, inspire more imagination and creativity!

"Space Concept" because of the difficulty of the material presented in simple, often parents and children felt the first big endless, and thus is not only the children, even a lot of older friends are unable to accurately grasp the 3D simulation of three-dimensional objects imagination and actual production.

※ This product is magnetic strong, overlapping with, the effort may be difficult to separate the smaller children, this time as long as parallel to the direction of light to push, we can easily build separate pieces.
※ three years of age may not play, if you want to use please accompanied by an adult; demolished, part please stay away from infants and young children to avoid swallowing.
※ product may generate color photography, pictures only for reference, the actual supply of goods in accordance with the style prevail.

【Magformers U.S. RAINBOW magnetic construction pieces is simple, do not link, do not need skills to cope with geometric graphics magnet, connecting the center of gravity, first made into the basic graphics plane and then transferred into a variety of three-dimensional modeling, basic guide to building the concept of type body changes, changes in infinite, can play imagination, creativity and learning through games of mathematical concepts and cultivate a positive conception of space Oh! With RAINBOW magnetic construction pieces, your baby will be the next star of a "little architect"!

Please note: 【Magformers U.S. pentagonal building RAINBOW magnetic film can not be used alone, please contact the Construction of square and triangular piece with the game喔~

Product Specifications

• Product design: the United States Oregon Rainbow Products
• Suitable for age: 5 years old
• Dimensions: 22 x 23 x 5 cm
• Quantity: 12
• Material: Plastic

Product Keywords : Magnetic toys, Magformers Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Educational construction toys

